Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Absolute Truth

 to reach the days that count not be seen. then we are to fulfill our own time that cases out the attack. we have reached our ward and torn our arm from the socket and cannot fight anymore. trust is not your business but the last partner that i will have. the days that you do without chance are the days that cannot escape my pocket. but will pay every penny back of what you owe Me. This means the people from Alamogordo as well. you have lost your mind and taken the worst of all to begin and i will not take for one or the other than the fact that they turned prejudiced and angry at God the one that brought forth the wind the time and the way that they breathe. - you will kill us for what? Roger, we are dead and you never forgot us nor did you help when we needed yousaid Ronnie. Roger, we did not know you. there is one thing that i cannot understand if you knew Me why did you say I COULD NEVER KNOW THIS BLACK MAN TRYING TO BE GOD. why would God say something like that? this is not how our town acts upon a day that everybody needed Me and you cover yourself up with light and try to enter Heaven without my permission? to kill someone and leave them dry and never care for that family or anything like God gave Heaven to you, i tried to open the light so that you would not step into that pit that takes you and your families into the same Hell. when i was needed you threw me down into the pits that were for you in order for you to keep the Million that you stole from Me before that day i was awakened. and know i know who you are as well as you know Me that will be in HELL with Me and you burn from this forever. when the world had gotten together to fight and battle in Heaven, we i conquered and then return and you could not let up with your lies you even killed my fiance or wife to  be sure that i was not the King of this Universe and you thought i was a NIGGER THAT COULD NOT DO ANYTHING ALONE, my wife, just said. to your day HOMLES will be the time that you placed yourself in Hell. never taste what you do and find out for yourself that "what is done is done through this town you will burn forever." Alamogordo. your associates will be there for you as well.

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