Friday, May 26, 2023

Follow the Path of the Righteous

 the Last of Heaven could not withstand the days that we were with our Lord God the Most High Goddess of the Heaven to Earth the connection of woman and man coming together hand and hand living for one another and letting everyone have their own God and religion helps the inner soul heal and the light to fall upon those who believe in God and those who can accept God giving each other freewill will enter into our heaven without knowing 1/3 of Heaven as we are today on Hearth or the day of repossession for all to hold and give to another other than our own. but the mother can only bring forth the children of that day or they will forget about the Father in Heaven Who is, Who was, and Who will become tomorrow before we could help them understand today so they will have to wait another day before coming here before they could know the truth and the truth only was given to Roger to unveil and if you had missed that pathway to your God then out you go from my House and from my Home, don't have come back until your learn who we are and how to treat a House with more respect and in 1000 years you be judged by how you became a house without a master, and where is this master? is this another way of paying me back? no you're ripping off from my children. then God will peel away from your eyes and your will to die in the cold of the night hoping that someone would find you alone in the dark floating in space towards a blackhole where you will be crushed and packed into the center of a new world within a center of a core that only a foot or two high or two low for this planet that was made for you to grow and show love to Heaven above and below but could not even do that for Atom you attacked Roger so he fought back to survive this attack and he won through every measure that was seen alive but now you are dead presumed for not listening to God or Roger Grant. God's Prophet and Son.

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