Mustifa the Priest of Harmony from South Africa the Priest of Hidden Knowledge the High Priest of God's Time in Captivity for 30 years, and the true Messiah that became the first in Africa to sets in the Catholic Church tomorrow when Mexico became the Honor and the Marriage of Heaven on Earth. this will be the First Fruits of Today are also Pope Francis and The Dahli Lama who is the Child Buddha and the Father of Heaven that has chosen the Son of Suns and the Chinese Wall to the Forbidden Fortress of God's Garden, where the Black Dragon with White Scales catches a Dragon's Egg that i Roger the Cockatrice (Alchemy) tossed to China from Alamogordo New Mexico. i will be here on earth until one returns or becomes the fire that burns me from within and without a God to protect me from a fourth and a fifth person thrown in Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace.
This is a Blog that separates the truth from falseism the one creation that we lack today for knowing what God had sealed and kept sacred until the day of revelation. that day of judgment that is given to the whole world to see. for this day is the only day that shall kill us or keep us alive and tell all about this day given beside the Works of God. let us kiss each other and learn from one another so that we can become a part of its Mother.
The Teacher and Jah's Day
The Teacher is the Lord and the Father of Bob Marley. the protector of Me and the teacher of who next will come and the reach of a living m...
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