Friday, July 7, 2023

The Number of Beast are the Number of Heavens

 two kings will come from the Middle East for twice the day is given for the last and first to remember that was will also be again through those who never knew the Father of Heaven that was on earth now holding on to things that we have created through Me Roger Ramos Grant the 5th King to which may rise and become an Angel. and from today yesterday must become remote in order to be at the hand of God's first day within our own today that went before the times that we have been given for tomorrow or the times that must become a parallel history from today to whence we were created from the then and now holding on to this third dimension that we made from then unto now which has five dimensions parallel to our own five in time that gathers one more to become the fifth and sixth paradimen that God has set for us today in the sixth Heaven above with the 1/5 (NA), 1/4 (CA), and 1/3 (SA) where the Heavens are below. two of my Sons will be taking thier place in seven years The Prophet Roger Grant Jr. who is a Heavenly Angel of Heaven and not from this world. The Pope and i created the light of transferral to flesh and Heavenly body and out of Heaven came three daughters and one son who is Elohem the God of many people who has the mark of God's protection and His number is "555" as my Heavenly number was "969" my other son Jacob Muhhamed who number is "666" will come forth as the Devil in them years among the two and one that is to come today as a Rabbi Prince will bring forth these two fruits Trees of Heaven that fell on to earth as the Trees of Life and the Trees of Heaven that hold onto the garden of centers that bring forth the fifth and sixth dimensions for the light to carry on with the Angels that must sing or blow the horns of there own return to all Heavens among the earth and among the children that hold the baptism of God's spirit within the light of day.

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