the planet Calypso is the day after day the night after night that holds creation next to my cousin in Andromeda they will enter into the 15th place that pinpoints to us and return under and above for the Calypso to become their start and passage into the Market Place and this will be called the Fathers doing and no others can come in between two in conflict until it is of there own origins that would be placed under that last but now it is Roger who brings the Banners of God in Battle for all to see God's glory.
the burning coals of God's fire falling from heaven on the tops of our heads will rain the thunder and lightning and every eye shall see the Father (Robert) of God. the Master of their House. and the rain is the light that fell from moles above the times that you considered fighting. there will be a scattering and shot from many directions that break into the lights of heaven and broken are they that have to suffer this pain when Roger receives the last and the first of Heaven gift the Light of All Creation shall this world be thought of and be given the eyes that search for Roger that falls upon their heads and writes the very name and mark upon their own head. for this day is to protect them who had done wrong and if they shall still fight Roger our ports and arms will reach unto the last given first and they will hurt inside but they will be given this blessing falling behind the one that was the strongest in this universe. for who has balanced man and woman in the great expansion other than Roger and who gives to those without? Roger is the giver of Health and happiness the FATHER OF ALL HEAVENS. the third of Heaven will return to Whoopi the mother my mother of rain and the fires that fall upon the heads of those who fight the Heavens.
1 comment:
Now is the Time that we Consider
the planet Calypso is the day after day the night after night that holds creation next to my cousin in Andromeda they will enter into the 15th place that pinpoints to us and return under and above for the Calypso to become their start and passage into the Market Place and this will be called the Fathers doing and no others can come in between two in conflict until it is of there own origins that would be placed under that last but now it is Roger who brings the Banners of God in Battle for all to see God's glory.
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